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Keep Walking

28 March 2020

Shubhrangshu Roy

Hey! That's Me... I am Adam!
Eversince I climbed down the Tree of Knowledge, I have been walking.
First, I walked into the cave, thinking that was a safe place to be.
But then, I heard the Voice. And it was the Voice of Eve.
She commanded: Go, get me my daily flesh. Keep walking!
And I walked...
And then, I heard the voice of Eve once more.
And, she demanded: Now, get me my daily bread. Keep walking.
And I walked and walked and walked.
And I walked Out of Eden!
Just in case you don’t remember in quarantine, there’s this other Adam out there right now, Walking Out of Eden!
You might have heard of him, Paul Salopek, walking across Manipur at this moment, and all the way towards China. God Bless Him!

You can read more of him in here.

But then, Paul’s just another diversion.
Let me get back to Adam...
That’s me!
So, where was I?
Hmm! Out of Eden, I suppose.
And so, I kept walking.
Walking all over the place.
From one home to another...
Finding one home after another.
Erecting one home after another.
Till I heard that voice from the cave again and again and again: Keep Walking!
And so, I have been searching for a new home every day. Since I left home through my daddy’s dark tunnel and into my mama’s dark cave.
Once upon a time!
O Holy Father! O Divine Mother!
You made me walk!
And so, I walk every year.
And I walk great distances.
Around the Ka’ba...
And into St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican.

And once every year I also take a long walk to the Holy River Ganga and back home across hundreds of miles carrying the sacred in a pot to my near and dear ones:
To Mama... To Papa...To Eve... To Cain... and To Abel
You would have noticed me on the highway and in your city ... and cursed me, perhaps... calling me the mad kawariya on a drive, oops! walk, encroaching traffic.
Once in 12 years, I also walk great distances, from the Himalayas, and from the Oceans to the Kumbh... in search of the elusive Elixir of Life!
Once in a lifetime, I also walk around the sacred, high up there in the clouds ... circumbulating Mt. Kailash.

You know what...
I have walked right across...
The Sahara...
The Amazon...
The Antarctica...
And all the way..
To North Pole
To Mt. Everest.
Why, I have also walked on The Moon!
Remember, that ONE SMALL STEP OF MAN...?
As I said at the start, I HAVE BEEN WALKING for a long time now... ever since I climbed down the Tree of Knowledge in Eden.
That story’s been etched on my DNA a long time ago.
Keep Walking!
And that alone is FAITH!
And now, stupid man!
Ever since you have locked yourself in, you have been crying yourself hoarse...
Aloud!: There walks Adam, hundreds of miles to his home.
And you want an aeroplane to fly me down to nowhere!
Thank You, But No Thank You!
I could do without the sympathy of your intoxicated mind.
Your spirit is harsh on my soul.
I walk in the company of pride, not pity.
Just take a good look at my first of the pictures on the highway ...
There walks Eve.
And behind her, walk proudly Baby and Me.
And as we walk the distance back to where we belong. ...
in graceful, dignified, silent steps...
I plead with you to stop ranting on Facebook,
telling the government what it must do.
It’s doing all it can with all it has...
For us 1.3 billion Indians...

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